Quality Measures & Outcomes - CentraCare Digestive Center
Measure: Adenoma Polyp Detection
Rate Rationale: Not all polyps develop into cancer, but colon cancer develops from an adenoma (benign) polyp. Therefore, it is important to find and remove these polyps prior to developing into cancer. The national quality standard states, for specific populations, the physician should have a polyp detection rate (percentage of people who have one or more polyps) above the standard listed below.
Data results:
CentraCare Digestive Center average |
National standard for specific populations |
Polyp detection rate |
Female 45%; Male 57% |
Female 20%; Male 30% |
Data is from 2018
Conclusion: The Digestive Center’s detection rate is well above the national standard. The more polyps detected and removed, the less likely cancer will develop in the colon.
Measure: Reaching the beginning of the colon (cecal intubation rate)
Rate Rationale: Measuring how often a doctor is able to reach the beginning of the colon, or cecum (where the small intestine and the colon meet), is also used to assess exam quality. The ability to reach the cecum ensures that a colonoscopy exam is complete, and that the entire colon has been visualized and inspected. When the cecum is not reached during a colonoscopy, there is an increased risk for missing lesions that may be in the area of the colon that was not visualized.
Data results:
CentraCare Digestive Center average |
Recommended benchmark |
Reaching the beginning of the colon (cecal intubation) |
99.2% |
>95% |
Data is from 2018
Conclusion: The Digestive Center’s cecal intubation rate is well above the national standard. A complete exam is more likely to find and remove polyps, thus preventing cancer to develop in the colon.
Measure: Withdrawal time
Rate Rationale: Studies have shown that the more time a doctor takes to examine the colon as the endoscope (tube) is withdrawn, the better. A recent assessment of this practice found that the doctors who took 6 or more minutes to withdraw the endoscope identified significantly more polyps than those who took less time.
Data results:
CentraCare Digestive Center average |
Recommended national standard |
Withdrawal Time |
9.34 minutes without polyps |
6 minutes |
Data is from 2018
Conclusion: The Digestive Center’s withdrawal time is well above the national average thereby ensuring patients receive the best possible care with a thorough exam.